- 1080
- 2003
- 4k
- All
- aragorn
- at the
- Battle
- best
- black gate
- bloom
- clip
- collapse
- defeat
- destruction
- end
- ending
- Epic
- explosion
- fight
- film
- final
- final stand
- Full
- gandalf
- gimli
- high
- ian
- kimer
- last
- legolas
- Lord
- lorens
- mckellen
- minas
- moments
- mortensen
- most
- Of
- original
- orlando
- peter jackson
- quality
- ring
- rings
- sauron death
- scene
- The
- The Lord of the Rings
- The Return of the King
- tirith
- tolkien
- viggo
- whole
The Lord of the Rings (2003) – Final stand and battle [1080p]
Kimer LorensOookay, here is the last one. This series of clips are mostly battle for Minas Tirith, but without skips/Frodo journey etc.
Movie info:
Credits goes to: Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros, New Line Cinema.
Monetized by owner/s.
#KimerLorens #Kimer #Lorens