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Upgrade your account to Musiveo Premium or Artist/Creator and support the platform with our monthly subscriptions for just $0,99! Become a verified creator today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Premium Subscription?

Premium Subscriptions gives you access to unwatermarked preview tracks/versions/stems, download music/videos/samples, image editor with Pexels integration & more!

What is a Artist & Creator Subscription?

The Artist & Creator Subscription includes everything from the Premium Subscription and will give you a verified checkmark behind your name. Your page and content will be highlighted on different pages of the website. Highly recommended to choose this subscription if you are a Artist or Creator (Music, Video, Youtuber, Twitch Streamer etc.).

Can I Pay Month to Month for the Premium Subscription?

We have monthly & Yearly subscription plans, which means the term of the contract is for 1 or 12 months.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes you can cancel your subscription at any time on the settings page.